theatеr & school & books

jurij alschitz

The Doctor of Fine Arts J.Alschitz is one of the most well-known and popular theatre teachers who educated thousands of students working around the world.  He is widely known as a researcher of the theatre, the author of many books on theatre pedagogy.


About me

“As a theatre trainer and theoretician Jurij Alschitz is probably one of the greatest in the contemporary world. His teaching method is very convincing and effective. His books are very useful handbooks for the actors.

“The philosophy of Yuri Alschitz’s school – I am sure that we can speak of the existence of such a school – is based on a strong belief in the very possibility of human communication and harmony between people, no matter how different or even opposite their beliefs and characters may be. This component of Alschitz’s pedagogical system, simultaneously belongs to the best that was developed in the European theater school and theatre art of the twentieth century”

„What amazes me: whenever I meet Yuri Alshits, listen to his lectures or talk to him, is his unique approach to theater.  He is very familiar with the well-known path of theater education, but instead of following the beaten track, he is always looking for a new way. And is constantly striving to get you to think for yourself and find your own way, as well.“

“The value of a theatre pedagogue most probably can be defined in how much he or a she cares for the theatre, for the theatre artists for the future or theatre in all aspects. Jurij Alschitz is the impersonation of someone who cares for others and who cares for the theatre, the theatre artist, the actor, the director, and everybody who works for the theatre. And I know he cares for the future of the theatre, the value of theatre in the future.  His attitude and his personality makes it a great pleasure and a great honour to speak with him, to listen him and to work with him

About schooling

„Each person’s life has a special mystical meaning, which is extremely difficult to understand, but necessary. Without it one cannot become an Artist. This meaning is most often given in encrypted form. The success of great actors was often based on the fact that they managed to discover the code of their talent. This can only be done in an artistic atmosphere and therefore the main task of the teacher is to create an artistic situation so that it is „discovered“.“ . J.A.

„I stopped evaluating student work on a good-bad basis a long time ago. I have never liked it when a student looks puppily into my eyes, seeking approval. An artist should not wait for evaluation from the outside. He must decide for himself what is artistic, what is good, what is bad, what is ethical and what is not. But this is the main difficulty – to establish one’s own laws, to live and create according to their rules. This is where the School must begin“. J.A.

„Good is the lesson of a teacher that consistently and logically leads the students to a certain result. But beautiful is one that unpredictably, and perhaps chaotically, leads to the discovery of new knowledge that neither the students nor the teacher expected at all. “ J.A..


School of Individual Training

The Private School Dr.J.Alschitz trains actors, directors, theater teachers to work independently in the theater, on stage, in a theater school.

  • It is a special program, which is created by the Master, taking into account the individuality of the student.

  • Each artist is perceived as a unique talent, a separate artistic world and for him develops an exceptional method of mastering the profession, creating his own unique creative style.

  • Individual training significantly saves time and its high quality is beyond competition with mass training.

  • Private school gives a unique chance to get many advantages that others do not have. In art you don’t need to be the first, you just need to become unique.

  • The teaching language is English, Italian. Russian, Ukrainian

Visit my bookshop

Explore new exercises and methods with my thearte handbooks for actors , directors, drama teachers and theatre pedagogues.

special offers for groups, schools and academies

„The vertical of the role” is a whole universe, a whole science that you can immerse yourself in! I had never imagined such possibilities for role development. I am proud to say that I have stepped onto the first rung of my new life.“

„45 Questions to Role“ is one of the slowest books I’ve ever read! Because I kept turning the pages backwards, going back to what I had already read. „45 Questions“ is a revelation for me. I can’t work like I used to, even though I used to work well. I’m not afraid to work worse. It’s important for me to work differently, in a different way. It’s amazing that there is Yuri Alschitz and I don’t have to reinvent the bicycles that he has been riding for a long time. You can go your own way, but for some reason that way keeps turning in Alschitz’s direction. I’m reading „Training Forever“ right now. Thought I’d read it quickly. But it’s not. Every page brings up a pile of memories and comparisons. I’m in no hurry.“

Theater. School. Books.


The Doctor of Fine Arts J.Alschitz is one of the most well-known and popular theatre teachers who educated thousands of students working around the world. He is widely known as a researcher of the theatre, the author of many books on theatre pedagogy

prof.dr. j.alschitz

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